The people who know me, know who my best friend is, Meathead. Yes to many people he is a dog. A red nose pitbull. Now he may be a dog to all of you but he is my best friend.
A little about how he and I met. Denver has a pitbull ban in effect. So one day my brothers neighbor was out washing his truck. (I don't remember his name) But the neighbor is about 6'5" and weighs about 350 lbs. So here he is washing his truck, wearing cutoff shorts and sandals. (not a picture I would like to see or remember) Anyway he hears a noice and turns around and there is Meathead running at him. (Oh did I tell you what Meathead looks like?) His ears are cut real low on his head and he is all mussel. Well who ever owned Meathead before was to cheap to buy a dog collar so they put part of a tow chain with a padlock around his neck as a collar.
So, here is Meathead looking like a "Junkyard Dog" running full bore down on the neighbor. I was told by him that he was thinking "Oh my God, I am DEAD" So what does Meathead do? He runs up to the neighbor and starts licking the water off the his legs. Well the neighbor kept him because of his being such a good, friendly dog. He was looking for where Meathead came from so he could return him. But after a week (because of the pit bull ban) he was getting ready to take him to the "Dumb Friends Shelter". Then I went to see my brother and it was love at first sight. I tried to find his owner or a good home for him as Denver would have put him down after seven days. So after looking for three weeks my Mom (who I was buying a house with at the time) told me I had found the best home for him, with me.
Oh by the way, the neighbor named him Meathead and if you have met him you understand why the name is so fitting.
More to come at a later day and time....
Thanks for reading...